July 11, 2014


Posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R.M.B.B ( F1021131090)

Well if uray told you about their main course, now I'll tell you more about Russia. Although Russia is well known as country that full of political history back then but still we can deny the sweetest of their dessert and their drink of course. Besides that Russian also well known about their architecture and their visual art, for example the Saint Basils's Cathedral in Moscow and Rublev's Trinity. Well without taking many time let me introduce their unique in food side.



Maybe in your thought did Russian eat those pearls or those wall decorations ? Precisely no ! Unique right ? Thats churchkhela, churchkela is made from nuts that are put onto a thread and dipped in sweet grape juice that has been thickened with flour, which forms a chewy coating. This dessert is undoubtedly the most healthy delicacy on the list, as it contains lots of glucose and fructose, vegetable oils, proteins, organic acids and vitamins. And as you know that process to make this dessert isn't easy because it need to dry under the sunlight about two weeks ! and thats really worth due the taste right ?

White Russian


Russian also known about their vodkha and cocktail, well there's another way too enjoy them if you wanna try another sensation about cocktail or vodkha itself. It is white russian, from the name it doesnt mean thats russian drink white people. But thats name for sweet cocktail classically made with vodka, coffee liqueur , and cream. And usually its served with ice in an Old Fashioned glass. Simple yet delicious right ?



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