June 3, 2014


Uray Ryan H (F1021131076)

Hi everybody, welcome back this is my second post about african food especially Mali.
Malinese cuisine consists mainly of millet, corn, or rice porridges served with a variety of "sauces." The sauces made by peanut, baobab leaves, okra, or sweet potato leaves. meat and vegetables also added to the sauces.

I want to tell you about CousCous the North African steamed pasta gains.
source : http://www.whats4eats.com/content/pastas-couscous-image
This pasta is commonly served in the region of Northwest Africa known as the Maghreb. In Maghreb cooking, couscous is cooks in the top of a pot known as a couscousière. The bottom part holds a stew, whose simmering vapors steam and flavor the couscous. Couscous looks like a small grain, but is atill a type of semolina pasta. Variations are found in Spain, Sicily, the Middle East and even Brazil. In one type—Israeli couscous—grains are about the size of a small pea. Couscous had some other names like keskesu, kuskus, kisksu and etc.

source : http://www.whats4eats.com/pastas/couscous-recipe

Thats all from me for Malinese cuisine. chao


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