July 12, 2014


posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R.M.B.B ( F1021131090)

Welcome to Bollywood planet where is Sharukhan and Mahatma Gandhi were born. Not only famous by their film but India also famous by their culture such as their dance, clothes, and tourist places. In
 India they might also well known by their spicy food due to their ingredients, but thats not that I wanna talk about. Again we'll back to the sweetness of this country.

Kaju ki Barfi


Somehow it looks like fruit but it is not, Kaju ki barfi,  Kaju literally means Cashew nuts and Barfi is a type of Indian sweet, usually in the form of lozenge. Barfi is often but not always, made by thickening milk with sugar and other ingredients (dry fruits and mild spices). It is then spread in a flat, shallow dish and cut into bite-sized pieces. These pieces are sometimes decorated with edible silver foil. And usuallu children really love this dessert.



Do you like yogurt ? And do you need a cold drink during this hot summer ? Well you have to try lassi, lassi a popular, traditional, yogurt-based drink from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Lassi is a blend of yogurt, water, spices and sometimes, fruit. Less common is lassi served with milk and topped with a thin layer of clotted cream. Lassis are enjoyed chilled as a hot-weather refreshment, mostly taken with lunch. With a little turmeric powder mixed in, it is also used as a folk remedy for gastroenteritis. And if you would you can combine lassi with many different fruits like mango, melon, apple, or strawberry.


July 11, 2014


Posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R.M.B.B  (F1021131090)

We're leaving European for awhile, lets drive to where we belong thats Asia ! Thailand where right now is booming about their film such as drama, horror, or even comedy. And also all of the girls in Indonesia right now are in love with one of their actor, Mario Maurer even my self too lol. Although they kind of have unique accent and language but Thailand really hit international around the world. Beside from their entertainment side, they also provide the world from their tourist area and of course again and again their cuisine.

Khanom Khrok


Khanom Khrok is made by rice flours and coconut milk, from the shape we can conclude that khanom khrok is like pancake. But actually two halves of it are eventually stuck to one another to form the finished mini-pancake. One side of the khanom khrok is al ittle saltier while the other is sweeter. The khanom are fairly firm, but still a little molten in the middle, the halves are scooped out and paired together for serving. But be careful when you eat it first they will be incredibly hot and the interior will decimate your taste buds like lava flowing through a forest. Second, don't let the vendor put the container of them in a bag. Steam is the enemy of these khanom and they will lose their crisp exterior very quickly.

Gafa-Yen Lua-mit


Gafa-Yen Lua-mit or iced coffe with rice balls, ever taste iced coffee before ? Well if you dont try this once you visit Thailand. You'll see so many local store on the side of street selling this thing. Not only attracted by the rice balls that are so colorful but we'll also get satisfy by the taste. The rice balls are look like taiwanese bubble tea, well all of us already know how it tastes cause its already sell everywhere in Pontianak area.
Let yourself enjoy the fascinating dessert from the white elephant country, swadee khab ~




Posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R.M.B.B ( F1021131090)

Well if uray told you about their main course, now I'll tell you more about Russia. Although Russia is well known as country that full of political history back then but still we can deny the sweetest of their dessert and their drink of course. Besides that Russian also well known about their architecture and their visual art, for example the Saint Basils's Cathedral in Moscow and Rublev's Trinity. Well without taking many time let me introduce their unique in food side.



Maybe in your thought did Russian eat those pearls or those wall decorations ? Precisely no ! Unique right ? Thats churchkhela, churchkela is made from nuts that are put onto a thread and dipped in sweet grape juice that has been thickened with flour, which forms a chewy coating. This dessert is undoubtedly the most healthy delicacy on the list, as it contains lots of glucose and fructose, vegetable oils, proteins, organic acids and vitamins. And as you know that process to make this dessert isn't easy because it need to dry under the sunlight about two weeks ! and thats really worth due the taste right ?

White Russian


Russian also known about their vodkha and cocktail, well there's another way too enjoy them if you wanna try another sensation about cocktail or vodkha itself. It is white russian, from the name it doesnt mean thats russian drink white people. But thats name for sweet cocktail classically made with vodka, coffee liqueur , and cream. And usually its served with ice in an Old Fashioned glass. Simple yet delicious right ?



Posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R.M.B.B ( F1021131090 )

Welcome to the country where is the most of 1Direction boys from here ! Being a country that most of Hollywood artists came from, Ireland itself has ton of culture and heritage too. And same as like Spain, Ireland has festival or ceremony that also well known in the world. They are St. Patrick 's day and The Twelfth July, what are they ?  The St. Patrick's day is a ceremony that held for commemorate the arrival of Saint Patrick who is spreading about Christianity in Ireland on 17 March. The celebration involves festival, parade, and wearing of green attire. Well St. Patrick's day is not also celebrate in Ireland but also in around the world especially in Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. What about the Twelfth July ? Like its name its held on 12 July which is mean tomorrow! It celebrates the Glorious Revolution and victory of  Dutch Protestant king William of Orange over Catholic King of England James II at the Battle of the Boyne. Large parades are held by the Orange Order and Ulster loyalist marching bands, streets are bedecked with British flags and bunting, and large bonfires are lit while the ceremony.

Apple Amber

Talks about St. Patrick's day usually Irish makes special traditional desserts on that day which is to encourage the special day. Here one of them


 Become a fruit that really grows well in Irish climate apple well turn into a delicious cake by Irish. Its apple amber, it is one of those Irish recipes that plainly involves the cook strolling out to the tree on a whim, pulling a few green cooking apples off it, and taking them back inside to quickly turn them into something unusually nice to end the meal. But the fact that the apples are cooked before baking suggests that this method was meant to work well with storage apples as well, the fruit that had been put away in straw in the cold cellar to last until the first new fruit of the next summer and fall started coming in. Well I bet it is one of the delicious pie ever :)

Carrageen Citrus Pudding


After have a meal with pie why don't we try a pudding as a complement for St. Patrick's day ? Well carageen citrus pudding is made from carageen or seaweed that become on of product that Ireland's longest running industries and usually its use for ingredients for the cook. The carrageen seaweed retains only the slightest taste or scent of the sea. Some people don't care for this: others think it adds a unique flavor to a dessert, an edgy, slightly spicy quality. That taste goes blend perfectly with citrus flavors, and treatments including orange, or lemon, or both -- as in this pudding --. And as additional information carageen usually use for healthy medicine and natural cosmetic, well it means carageen really perfect as healthy dessert right ?


July 10, 2014


Posted by: Alpha ThessaLika R M B B ( F1021131090 )

Welcome to Deutschland !  After beat Brazil with amazing score 7 - 1, Germany take another step to the next match, congrats Germany !! Well lets celebrate it with things that sweet for the sweet victory from Germany. Recently "Global Delicacies" talks about food and drink that sometimes its main course, well as we know web need the dessert too right ? :)



Apfelstrudel or Apple strudel is a traditional Viennese strudel, "Strudel" a German word, derives from the Middle High German word for "whirlpool" or "eddy" . Since the dough is rolled and the center of the pastry resembles a whirlpool. Apfelstrudel (apple strudel) is a delicious pastry filled with apples flavoured with sugar, cinnamon, raisins and breadcrumbs – and has been popular since the 18th century. The delicate flakey pastry is made from an elastic dough, which is kneaded and stretched until it’s as thin as phyllo pastry. The pastry is wrapped round and round the filling building up many layers, and then baked. Well this pastry its suitable serve as breakfast, lunch, or dinner right ? Cause while in the morning or at night we can enjoy it with tea or coffee. And in the afternoon we can serve it with ice cream, vanilla sauce, and whipped cream.



From the first you read the name and take a look the picture may be you think thats food from Italy, but why there is kind of waffle on the top of the food ? Well it isn't like you think, its an ice cream ? Yes, its Spaghettieis or Spaghetti ice and its not a real noodle or real sauce for spaghetti that we usually eat, but its made from ice cream that has been pressed into Spätzle press or potato ricer, and the sauce made from strawberry sauce. Unique right ? Then Gutten Apetit everyone :D



July 9, 2014


Posted by : Rio Pratama (F1021131075)

Let's go back to Asian, in my last post, i would like to post a food and drink from Taiwan.
Taiwan is  The Republic of China, originally based in mainland China, now governs the island of Taiwan, which makes up over 99% of its territory. As you know, Chinese has food with a sense of good flavor.


Pork, seafood, chicken, rice, and soy are very common ingredients. Beef is far less common, and some Taiwanese (particularly the elderly generation) still refrain from eating it.
At this time, i would like to discuss a vegetarian food from Taiwan. There are more than 6,000 vegetarian eating establishments in Taiwan. Food labeling laws for vegetarian food are strictest, because around 2 millions Taiwanese people use vegetarian food.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country#mediaviewer/File:Chinese-buddhist-cuisine-taiwan-1.jpg

The picture above is an example a customer Vegetarian restaurant buffet, Taipei, Taiwan.
This is in part due to the considerations of some Taiwanese Buddhists, a traditional reluctance towards slaughtering precious cattle needed for agriculture, and an emotional attachment and feeling of gratefulness and thanks to the animals traditionally used for very hard labour.
This case same with Ghana, Taiwan hasn't a unique beverage, they prefer to rely on industry famous brand as for their drinks
These pictures below for the example

Source : http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20120630000072&cid=1103

Source : https://chinabevnews.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/sportsdrinks2.jpg

It wrapped with plastic bottle. I think that is all from me. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Thank you !

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan#Foods.2C_cuisine.2C_and_shopping


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

Hi, as i said before in  Belgian cuisine that i want to tell you about Russian cuisine. Now i'm back and i will tell you about the unique cuisine in Russia that is Okroshka. Okroshka is a cold soup of Russian origin. The name probably originates from "kroshit'" (крошить), which means to crumble into small pieces. Okroshka made with kefir. The classic soup is a mix of mostly raw vegetables (like cucumbers, radishes and spring onions), boiled potatoes, eggs, and a cooked meat such as beef, veal, sausages, or ham with kvass, which is a mildly alcoholic beverage made from fermented black or rye bread. Okroshka is usually garnished with sour cream (smetana). Later versions that appeared in Soviet times use light or diluted kefir, vinegar, mineral water, or even beer instead of kvass.

After the unique soup from Russian now, we move to the famous beverages from Russia, Vodka. Vodka is a distilled beverage composed primarily of water and ethanol, sometimes with traces of impurities and flavorings. Traditionally, vodka is made by the distillation of fermented grains or potatoes, though some modern brands use other substances, such as fruits or sugar.
Vodka is traditionally drunk neat (not mixed with any water, ice, or other mixer), though it is often served chilled in the vodka belt countries of Eastern Europe and around the Baltic Sea. It is also commonly used in cocktails and mixed drinks, such as the vodka martini, vodka tonic, screwdriver, greyhound, Black or White Russian, and Bloody Mary.

That's it! That is what i found for Russian cuisine and beverages. Good bye!

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okroshkahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vodka