May 19, 2014


Posted by : Rio Pratama (F1021131075)

After our posting Food and Drinks from South American

Now we're going to Africa. Africa mostly familiar with the largest desert and diversity of the animal, such as cheetah, lion, giraffe, etc. Also, the extreme climate. The climate of Africa ranges from tropical to subarctic on its highest peaks. Its northern half is primarily desert, or arid, while its central and southern areas contain both savanna plains and very dense jungle (rainforest) regions.

Today we'll go to Negeri Maghriby (Sunset) it's because the value of exotic the country. Morocco also have the oldest university that produced many old famous scientist such as Ibnu Khaldun, Ibnu Rusyidi, Ibnu Bajah etc.
Morocco. Morocco is the country that dominate by moslem religion, so the food of Morocco majority contain halal food.

Ok, let's start from the food from Maroko



Tajine or Tagine it's like beef stews in Indonesian, but Tajine has unique the ways it served. The process of making Tajine is cooked by pot formed entirely of a natural clay. Tajine cooking may be replicated by using a slow cooker or similar item; but the result will be slightly different. Many ceramic tajines are exquisite examples of show pieces as well as functional cooking vessels. Some tajines, however, are intended only to be used as decorative serving dishes.

Process of making Tajine

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The food is ready

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After we explore the unique food from Morocco, now we are going to explore the typical drink from Morocco.
Maghrebi mint tea is a green tea with mint leaves and other ingredients. It is part of Maghreb culture. The tea has spread throughout North Africa, parts of the Sahel, and southern Spain. Tea occupies a very important place in the culture of Morocco and is considered an art form.
The served has unique process which using a typical green tea gunpowder tea variety imported from China.
The picture below is how to served Maghrebi mint tea

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And this if we look closely the Maghrebi mint tea

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The taste mint of this tea would be feel thick. It contain hefty dose of sugar.
This mint tea can be purchased pre-mixed in dried combination of mint and green tea leaves, or you can just mix the two yourself. Use half mint and half green tea for best results.

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