April 17, 2014


by: Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)

Chunky-style Guasacaca


Well readers, most of you may be like avocado and so do I. In Venezuela there is a food that contains avocado itself. It's Chunky-style Guasacaca. Actually, guasacaca is a guacamole in Venezuelan version and it is traditionally made by mashing ripe avocados and sea salt with a molcajete (mortar and pestle). Some recipes call for tomato, onion, garlic, lemon juice, chili, yogurt and/or additional seasonings. But in Venezuelan version its served as a condiment for grilled meats with chips, burger, and steaks.
The Guacasaca, food made from avocado.

La Tizana

If you someday visit Venezuela and have relax on the beach in the middle of summer, well if you have to order 'La Tizana' ! why ? because La Tizana is a classic drink that usually serves in birthday parties or another parties. Its made from some tropical fruits, and grenadine. Well, tizana is spain means herbal remedy or tea which is mean this drink a refreshing pick me up to return our mood. Sounds good, right ?

The La Tizana, herbal drink from Venezuela.



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