April 23, 2014


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

Pira caldo is a fish soup that is part of the traditional cuisine of Paraguay. the fish used for pira caldo are mainly smaller river fish such as the mandi'y and tare'y, from the armoured catfish family. Other ingredients include fat, onion, tomatoes, green or red bell peppers, parsley, pepper, spices, and salt.
 Source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Suquet_de_peix.jpg

It looks like spicy sour fish for me, with latin cuisine that make this food looks more delicious than Indonesian spicy sour fist. But i feel i don't want to try this, looks so strange for me.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pira_caldo


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