April 23, 2014


Posted by Rio Pratama [F1021131075]


A taco (/ˈtɑːk/) is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. The taco predates the arrival of Europeans in Mexico.
There are many traditional varieties of tacos, you could see the picture below

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tacos_Carnitas.jpg

The popularity of taco itself had been arrived at Indonesia
You could see below, there is a truck of taco in Indonesia at Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=truck+of+taco+indonesia&es_sm=93&biw=1366&bih=705&tbm=isch&imgil=SMeU1_3XZYNFRM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTZkY2S-qZySoOvjfiLJndHpv-15EMA9zWZMZjEm186F7igGlm8%253B1600%253B1200%253BBPfsutT0XAlhsM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Ftrythismenu.blogspot.com%25252F2014%25252F01%25252Ftaco-truck-indonesia.html&source=iu&usg=__gdNrWUch6IIjge4kDVBE6oz0i10%3D&sa=X&ei=Wh1XU6XQIor28QWYwIFo&ved=0CD8Q9QEwAw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=SMeU1_3XZYNFRM%253A%3BBPfsutT0XAlhsM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F4.bp.blogspot.com%252F-BEyQj4mJV4Q%252FUsuPtJ7LcVI%252FAAAAAAAADDY%252F13fEWlad8xA%252Fs1600%252Fphoto%252B4.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftrythismenu.blogspot.com%252F2014%252F01%252Ftaco-truck-indonesia.html%3B1600%3B1200

Now Taco already arrived in Pontianak, you could see and taste it if you are be anxious about the taste about Taco. You could find in Ayani Mega Mall 2nd floor, in front of Red Bean or next to Amazone.
I've ever tasted Taco, and the taste was spicy, it would increase your adrenaline.


Do you ever taste the mint sensation ? The feel you get is sensation of cool on your tongue and it's suitable when you live in Indonesia.
I recommend you to make your own mint drink like special beverage from Mexico

Source : http://www.sunset.com/food-wine/kitchen-assistant/mexican-drinks-00400000063694/

The name of drink in the picture above is Minty Mojito. Traditionally, a mojito is a cocktail  that consists of five ingredients: white rumsugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice,sparkling water, and mint. The Mojito translates to "Something a little wet" , never originally contained lime juice.

The preparation of making this beverage same as when we make a lemon tea, but in this case, you must have add a mint leaf into a glass, put inside and you'll feel the mint sensation.
This beverage also suitable in Indonesia which temperature of this country is hot.

Source : http://www.sunset.com/food-wine/kitchen-assistant/mexican-drinks-00400000063694/


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

Dulce de leche  is a confection prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a product that derives its taste from the caramelization of the product, changing flavor and color. It means candy of milk, or candy with milk or candy made by milk. Dulce de leche is used for flafour cand or other sweet cake.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DulceDeLeche.jpg
 Its a delicious toping for cake and actually i really want it! thats for me, Thanks! Adios!


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

Chacarero Chileno: Everyone loves a good sandwich and this one has got tons of sazón! Surprise your taste buds with this tasty steak and avocado sandwich.

Source : http://www.quericavida.com/en/recipes-cooking/andean-feast-10-deliciously-traditional-chilean-recipes/#

Chacarero it is a fabulous Chilean sandwich made with thinly sliced beef-style steak, on a round roll with tomatoes, green beans, avocado and hot sauce, delicious! It is one of the many varieties of sandwich served in Chilean fuentes de soda, or schoperías and restaurants. This sandwich look so delicious and we can eat them in snack time
Source : http://www.quericavida.com/en/recipes-cooking/andean-feast-10-deliciously-traditional-chilean-recipes/#


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

A salteña is a type of Bolivian baked empanada.
Salteñas are savory pastries filled with beef, pork or chicken mixed in a sweet, slightly spicy or very spicy sauce, and sometimes also containing peas, potatoes and other ingredients. But it also have vegetarian series.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Saltena4_lg.JPG

This bake looks like Korket, but salteña have diffrent fill in. salteña fill in by beef, i think this bake is very delicious

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salte%C3%B1as


Uray Ryan Hermawan (F1021131076)

Pira caldo is a fish soup that is part of the traditional cuisine of Paraguay. the fish used for pira caldo are mainly smaller river fish such as the mandi'y and tare'y, from the armoured catfish family. Other ingredients include fat, onion, tomatoes, green or red bell peppers, parsley, pepper, spices, and salt.
 Source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Suquet_de_peix.jpg

It looks like spicy sour fish for me, with latin cuisine that make this food looks more delicious than Indonesian spicy sour fist. But i feel i don't want to try this, looks so strange for me.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pira_caldo

April 18, 2014


Uray Ryan H (F1021131076)

Hi everybody! i want to introduce you about Choripán, Uruguayan traditional food,
Source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Choripan.jpg

The named come from the combinations of its ingridents :

a grilled chorizo (sausage) and a pan (crusty bread) such as a marraqueta or baguette. The sausage usually made out of beef or pork, used to be an appetizer from asado (the other traditional Uruguayan food) and they commonly sold in sport venue (football stadium) and on the sides road, for me its look delicious and, for me its too strange to be an appetizer because this food looks surfeited for me

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chorip%C3%A1n

Ok, now we move to Mate the Uruguayan traditional beverage
Source : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Mate_en_calabaza.jpg
Mate is the South American traditional caffeine rich infused drink it is prepared by steeping Yerba Mate's dried leaves with hot water.Mate is served with a metal straw from a shared hollow calabash gourd. This beverage is good for health because this beverage contains several vitamins and minerals important to human health, including vitamins A (as beta-carotene), B1, B2, C, and E, as well as phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_%28beverage%29


by: Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)

The beautiful beaches, night carnivals and the natural wonder of the great amazon rainforest are perhaps things that pop out first in our mind when someone mentions Brazil. It seems that one can not talk about Brazil without mentioning the wonderful festivals in Rio and amazing river trip on the Amazon river. A large Portuguese-speaking country, the country of Brazil is home of many diverse cultures of the world. Many unique festivals celebrated by Brazilians as the part of their famous culture are the result of the blend of indigenous traditions with the ones carried by immigrants from Portugal and Africa back in the era of Portuguese colonization. Well if we talk about their culture, of course cuisine from Brazil itself will entertain your taste, here they are:


Vatapá is perhaps one of the best examples of unique Brazilian cuisine. A dish made of creamy paste of bread, shrimp, coconut milk, peanut and palm oil, the
Vatapá is one of the main courses of Brazil. Similar to traditions held in most areas of Asia, this food is often eaten with rice in Brazil. While its appearance may seem weird to people outside of the country, food of this kind--The ones that are made by similar ingredients, most notably palm oil--are common among the Brazilians.

Elingunnur / Wikimedia Commons 
Vatapa, a common main course in Brazil.


Beverages are one of the aspects that can not be separated from Brazilian lifestyle. A major tourist destination, Brazil is well known for its drinks. Many people around the world comes to Brazil in order to enjoy its famous parties and festivals. Caipirinha, the official national cocktail of Brazil, is one of the most popular beverages commonly served in parties there. It is made from hard sugar cane liquor (cachaça), sugar, and lime.
Cachaca_dave / Wikimedia Commons 
Caipirinha, the national drink of Brazil

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_cuisine


by: Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)

After indulging ourselves with the delicacies of Colombian dishes, now we are ready to move to the neighboring country: Peru. Being a large populated country in the South America, Peru is famous for its local dishes. Decades of immigration and Spanish occupation has brought rich cultural diversity into the country which is currently populated by many different ethnic groups. This diversity gave birth to the various kind of traditional foods and beverages which often carry traces of traditional cuisines from the homelands of the immigrants that came to Peru. The strong blend of worldwide cuisines with the ones from local indigenous Indians has made Peruvian cuisine one of the best fusion cuisines in the world.

Papa a la huancaína

The greatness of Peruvian cuisine is perhaps best exemplified by Papa a la huancaína (literally, Huancayo style potatoes) which are one of the most popular foods served in Peruvian restaurants. It's a salad made of boiled potatoes which and creamy cheese sauce, which are often served along with lettuce leaves and garnished with olives and corn kernels. Being cheap to make and often favored by local chefs, Papa a la huancaína is popular among all classes of society in Peru, usually as food to take on picnics and trips.

Feralbt / Wikimedia Commons 

Papa a la huancaína, a popular dish among the Peruvians.

  Chicha Morada

While Peruvian foods are popular around the world, the beverages from Peru are also comparable to the foods. The local vegetation of Peru contributes to the uniqueness of drinks that are often found across the country. Take Chicha Morada for example. It is a very popular traditional local drink made from boiled purple maize, cloves, cinnamon, sugar and ice. The purple color it has comes from the purple maize used to make the beverage. Consumption of Chicha Morada dates back to the pre-colonial era of Peru, prior to the founding of infamous Inca Empire. Perhaps its fame in Peru is comparable to the popularity of traditional drinks such as iced tea in Asia.

Dangarcia / Wikimedia Commons
The Chicha Morada, a traditional drink that has been consumed since the dawn of Inca Empire.

April 17, 2014


by: Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)


And now readers we're landing at Colombia! Well, this is a great destination for those who are meat lovers, and of course not on a diet program, and also for those who like to eat vegetables. And in here you'll get so many varieties of food, fruit, dessert, and etc. But now I'll just share about the one that is really unique.

The Colombian roasted ants.

Maybe right now you're wondering about the picture? What are those? Are those ants ? Yes they are, they are ants that are roasted with some seasoning. Perhaps most of people think that ants just a pest or an insect that used to eat our sugar. But in Colombia, they make it as a food and the research says that ants contain excellent protein! Well strange, but we don't the taste yet if we don't come directly to there. 


Champus, drink made from a mixture of fruits.

Champus is a popular drink in South America, but champus itself have their own style in each country in South America. Well readers, I'm going to share about champus in Colombia, usually people in here drink champus at the Christmas season. Champus is made from mixture of fruits and then seasoned with cinnamon, cloves and orange trees leaves. Sounds really great, right?



by: Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)

Chunky-style Guasacaca


Well readers, most of you may be like avocado and so do I. In Venezuela there is a food that contains avocado itself. It's Chunky-style Guasacaca. Actually, guasacaca is a guacamole in Venezuelan version and it is traditionally made by mashing ripe avocados and sea salt with a molcajete (mortar and pestle). Some recipes call for tomato, onion, garlic, lemon juice, chili, yogurt and/or additional seasonings. But in Venezuelan version its served as a condiment for grilled meats with chips, burger, and steaks.
The Guacasaca, food made from avocado.

La Tizana

If you someday visit Venezuela and have relax on the beach in the middle of summer, well if you have to order 'La Tizana' ! why ? because La Tizana is a classic drink that usually serves in birthday parties or another parties. Its made from some tropical fruits, and grenadine. Well, tizana is spain means herbal remedy or tea which is mean this drink a refreshing pick me up to return our mood. Sounds good, right ?

The La Tizana, herbal drink from Venezuela.



by : Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. (F1021131090)

Cuy or Guinea Pig

Ecuador is a country in northwestern south America which is Ecuador also is the 8th most biodiverse country on the planet that contains so many kind of plants and animals. Well in Ecuador that most of the region cover up by mountains, where popular with guinea pig. Maybe most of people called guinea pig as 'pets' but in here ecuadorian make it as food that very popular. Cuy or guinea pig is a traditional food which is  the guinea pig is put onto a skewer and served whole, face and all. Some people over there say that there's no much meat in that and the taste is like chicken's meat. And also cuy has a lot of protein. Well, worthy to try if we visit Ecuador someday!

The cuy, or roasted guinea pig


Well it's because in Ecuador most of its region are mountainous so the weather there at night can be really cold. That's why ecuadorians made this drink due the climate in there, canelazo also well known in Columbia and Peru. Canelazo is  made from brown sugar, cinnamon and cloves, orange and lime juice, and the fiery concoction known as aguardiente (or "fire water"). Although from the appearance it looks like 'wedang jahe' in Indonesia. But still worthy to try right ? From the food and drink if we visit Ecuador someday!

SourceCanelazo, Ecuadorian drink made of cloves, brown sugar and cinnamon.


April 16, 2014


Posted by Rio Pratama [F1021131075]

Did you know what is American Food ?
You definitely think American Food such as junk and fast food, but in here, i will post about Traditional American Food

Source : http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2011/10/indian-fry-bread-and-indian-tacos/

Frybread was named the official "state bread" of South Dakota in 2005.
Tradition says it was the Navajo who created frybread with the flour, sugar, salt, and lard given to them by the government when they were relocated from Arizona to Bosque Redondo, New Mexico, 150 years ago. The simple ingredients but have superior taste if it mix it with various toppings such as honey, jam, or hot beef.
But if you have diabetes, you should be careful to eat this food because it consists of 700 calories and 27 grams of fat.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frybread


Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=citrus+juice&client=firefox-a&hs=aNO&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&tbm=isch&imgil=jsPWowHaJYh9MM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcRBPI2ROCTdJjZbDQ9CRtr8UaNIRn8cEkc1MNKA3HxgRRJNwWU1aA%253B303%253B300%253BLUFVkCPg_YKnsM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.joyfuljuicer.com%25252Fcitrus-juicers.html&source=iu&usg=__veqnFkXqo8UoVrJCBS9XyQcJytk%3D&sa=X&ei=R1VOU_qgFOq1iQfjuYDYCA&ved=0CEUQ9QEwAw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=jsPWowHaJYh9MM%253A%3BLUFVkCPg_YKnsM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.joyfuljuicer.com%252Fimage-files%252Ffresh_orange_juice01.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.joyfuljuicer.com%252Fcitrus-juicers.html%3B303%3B300

Citrus Juice that's the name
Citrus grows in southern California, Florida,  Hawaii, and the Southwest and many places in any of these states will let you tour the groves and sample the product, particularly in Florida.
Oranges in Florida were famous, so don't be doubt to try many citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and clementines, are generally eaten fresh especially if you want to make a juice, it will be more delicious.

Source :  http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g191-c13119/United-States:Food.And.Drink.html


Posted by Rio Pratama [F1021131075]


The national dish of Greenland is Suaasat, a traditional Greenlandic soup . It is often made from seal, or from whale, reindeer, or sea birds. In my opinion, it looks like "Sup Buntut" in Indonesia maybe the taste same, but i don't know how is the taste since i never taste Suaasat instead.

The soup often includes onions and potatoes, and is simply seasoned with salt and pepper, or bay leaf

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenlandic_cuisine

 Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=Greenland+special+food&client=firefox-a&hs=pJN&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WkVOU6ycBoak8AWD7AE&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=650#channel=sb&q=+suaasat&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=QwCqjZIEZKgeIM%253A%3BIDCGXsnDWZk3NM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finternationaldinnerproject.files.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F03%252Fsuaasat_wp.jpg%253Fw%253D600%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finternationaldinnerproject.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F03%252F18%252Finternational-dinner-project-greenland-sams-choice%252F%3B600%3B600


Greenlandic coffee is a popular after-dinner drink. The presentation of Greenlandic coffee looks interesting, why ?
Because it served in a bordeaux glass and the coffee is set on fire before drinking. We will feel more anxious when we see how it served.
The coffee ingredients 50% pure coffee and 50% alcohol that's why it's called as flaming coffee

Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=Greenland+special+food&client=firefox-a&hs=pJN&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WkVOU6ycBoak8AWD7AE&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=650#channel=sb&q=Greenlandic+coffee&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=P8Y7cvkYog5eoM%253A%3BIDCGXsnDWZk3NM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finternationaldinnerproject.files.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F03%252Fgreenlandcoffee_wp_sq.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finternationaldinnerproject.wordpress.com%252F2012%252F03%252F18%252Finternational-dinner-project-greenland-sams-choice%252F%3B458%3B458

Source : http://thefourthcontinent.com/2013/04/06/drinking-in-the-northern-lights-greenlandic-coffee/


Posted by Rio Pratama [F1021131075]


Poutine is a common Canadian dish, originally from Quebec, made with french fries, topped with light brown gravy-like sauce and cheese curds, is a classic Canadian treat that is said to have originated in Quebec in the 1950s
It's also inspired a crop of trendy "poutineries" and a "poutition" to make it Canada's official national dish. It's looks delicious, futhermore i want to taste the food if only i can


Source : http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Poutine.JPG&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine&h=207&w=243&tbnid=XGtPnzSlxA3iXM:&zoom=1&tbnh=170&tbnw=200&usg=__IxiHWRlFICN0oxyY4zGkTQSeGSY=&docid=U9Vpg48Wu9MPkM&itg=1&client=firefox-a&sa=X&ei=sT5OU9P9GIawiQe-kICgDQ&ved=0CLEBEPwdMAo

Source : http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/06/28/canadian-food_n_2869764.html


Moose milk, also known as elk milk, refers to milk produced by moose (Alces alces). Though it is most commonly consumed by calves, its production has also been commercialised in Russia and Sweden.
The presentation looks unique with cup form like Elk head, it can be attract the customer who wants to try it.
Sounds good

Source : https://www.google.com/search?q=Moose+milk&client=firefox-a&hs=Jkh&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=w0FOU9mACcmHiQeOuIDoAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=650#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YWnA34i6ajdCOM%253A%3B6WT8iAWUHzcOTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fzombie-juice.com%252FZen%252Fimages%252FMooseMug.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fzombie-juice.com%252FZen%252Findex.php%253Fmain_page%253Dproduct_info%2526products_id%253D209%3B900%3B600

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose_milk

April 1, 2014


Posted By Alpha Thessa Lika R. M. B. B. ( F1021131090)

Map of the United States with Alaska highlighted

Well readers,  we'll start our culinary journey from Alaska. Alaska is a U.S state situated in the northwest extremity of the North American Continent. And like we tell you before in introduction's post we'll share about their meal, first is their breakfast menu. 

This is fried egg sandwich

Fried egg sandwich is consist of two eggs over medium, bacon, red onions, cheddar cheese, herbed mayo, toasted sourdough . Well this is one of the menu on snow city cafe in Alaska, interested ? well just click and you'll find another breakfast menu of Alaska.